Sunday, October 10, 2021

Still Lives Matter

Still Lives Matter

Actually, its “Still Lifes Matter “, to be technically correct. But art articles as a double entendre is how the Swan Studio Inc’s art blog entries are usually titled. Have to admit, I debated with myself over this one. Is it too soon? But hey, it’s a post 2020 world and anything goes. Still life art has been around since the Greco era and coined in the Netherlands in the 16th century. Compromising of inanimate objects both natural and manmade. (okay, a bit of debate in the ‘dead animal’ objects but we won’t get into that ) The objective is to create a balanced composition and accurately depict the subject. Although considered the lowest in the hierarchy of genres it is the most popular of buyers. As an artist who makes their living in art, I say go where the money is. Added bonus- it’s fun!

The project began as a replication of an existing faux finish. For artists, that one makes us sigh. Because each faux finish artist has their own “hand”. It works the same way as handwriting to a point. Each is unique even though the technique is the same. Then there’s the hurdle of figuring out the color mixtures and tools. In this case, fortunately, the faux painting to be matched is not right atop nor adjacent to the original but rather across the hall in another room. Joy! The reason for the request was due to particular art that would hang down a hallway and the replica faux would balance the area. The fun part came as the additional request to paint a vase of flowers similar to those that appeared on a ledge in front of the original faux finish work. Along with that request an additional frame around the vase was to be painted as a personal nod to the homeowner’s art pieces by Isaac’s Maimon’s cafĂ© art that depicts paintings within paintings. The tidbit came from a lecture they had heard by Maimon on the particular pieces. 

The results:

Knockdown texture was added to the previously smooth walls to mimic the hallway texture.
A series of plasters and paints were troweled on/ The still life portion is painted in acrylics. Everything is clear coated in a c500 gloss urethane to mimic the top coat in the hallway and as protection from the elements.
This is the original faux and vase inspiration across the hallway:

Let's create your own unique art creations in your space. Contact me at Swan Studios Inc

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...and if you just happen to have a "still" we could create a totally different double entendre of "Still Lives Matter "

#stilllifeart #capecoralartist #capecoralfauxpainter

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